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Download Purchases

Existing customers, enter your email address to receive an email containing links and licenses for all the products you have purchased. Note: you must enter the email address that you used when purchasing.

Demos and Versions

Manual / Updates Demos
Dynameter 1.7.7 - -
K-Meter 1.7.6 Mac Win
LCAST 1.4.6 Mac Win
Loudness Penalty 1.10.6 - -
Loudness Penalty Studio 1.0.3 - -
Perception 1.0.27 - -
Perception AB 1.1.12 - -

Plugin Formats

AAX logo Audio Units logo VST logo
  • macOS 10.7 or later (64-bit Intel or Apple Silicon)
  • Windows XP SP3 or later (32/64-bit)